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How to use DC

(attention: this guide is only available to users with NMS account)

Tip: DC search is available on this web page, under Advanced search.

The best way to search for files and download them in the dormitory network is by using DC (DirectConnect). The transfers on DC do not count towards your  limits. This is a guide to help beginners start with DC.

1. Preparation

A client is software you will be using to connect to a DC hub (server). Other users connect to the hub too. The hub coordinates file search, user chat and more. There are many clients, using ApexDC++ is recommended.
The pre-configured (and always the latest) version which is used in this guide can be downloaded from this link.
Extract ApexDC.7z somewhere in your computer, the best choice is somewhere outside the system disk and system folders, since they tend to be protected by the UAC. A folder called ApexDC will be created.  There is a file named ApexDC.exe in it, it is the main executable file of the client. After running this file, a window asking for set up appears:
Attention: For english user interface delete the file called Slovak.xml from folder Settings and restart the client. The pictures in this guide refer to Slovak interface, but the text does not.

2. DC client set-up

In this window (see picture above), at least the Nick input field must be filled. We recommend adding a letter of your block as a prefix before your nickname. For example: [E]TestUser. E-mail and description are for informational purposes of other users only and are not mandatory.
In the left menu, select Downloads. There is a field called Default download directory, set a folder to store your downloaded files there.
The last setting needed to be set is in the Sharing tab. The DC principle is that who wants to download, must provide something to the others (sharing). If you do not share anything, most of the hubs will not let you in (including the dormitory ones). Since 1st November 2016 the minimum share requirement is set to 15 GB. People who share less can still enter the hub, however, searching and downloading is disabled for them. When adding to share to reach share size more than this limit, a reconnect to the hub is neccessary for you to enable downloading and searching.

Choose the folders you want to share for other users in this window. They will be able to see the contents and download files but not alter them.  A hashing process will begin after selecting the folders, which may take longer time.
Do not share system folders like Windows or Program Files, you might be kicked from the hub for sharing unwanted data. Every hub has different criteria for sharing, especially for share size. Please share as much as you can on the dormitory hubs (study material...) :).

3. Connecting to hub

Click OK in the settings window. Double-click Internatny DC hub in the favorite hubs window. This hub is in the pre-configured ApexDC++ already there. Its address is dc.twingy.sk

When the checkbox is checked, the client will connect to this hub automatically after start.
If not enough data have been hashed yet, the hub refuses your login. Just wait a while and try again. It should look like this after connecting correctly:

4. Searching and downloading

Press Ctrl+S or magnifier icon (see the toolbar) to open the search tab. Write your search criteria and click Search. In the picture below we searched for documents with matematika in name or path to the file.

Select a file you want to download from the list. After double-clicking on the file it starts downloadind to the default download directory you have set up before (default is .\Downloads - a subfolder of the folder where ApexDC++ is). If you'd like to download elsewhere, just right-click on the file and choose Download to - Browse... from the menu.
If you'd like to see a particular user's share, double-click on him in the userlist in the main hub tab. A filelist will be downloaded and opened. You can  browse it and download files just like when searching.

We believe you managed basic work with the DC client. If anything is unclear, you can always ask other users in the hub. Write your message into the chat line located between the main chat  and file transfer frames.


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