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Dormitory Veľký Diel

Dormitory Hliny


Claim for meals


They can get two hot meals a day (according to number of days in a month) in combinations:
  • two lunch meals
  • two dinner meals
  • one lunch meal + baguette
  • one dinner meal + baguette
  • one lunch meal + one dinner meal
In one day they can get up to 10 supported-price meals before exhausting monthly limit, that is, the number of days in a month times two meals.
In advance, they can order more meals for full price (max. 99). In July and August they are not entitled to get supported-price meals.

Students upperclassmen

They can get two hot meals a day (according to number of days in a month) in combinations:
  • two lunch meals
  • two dinner meals
  • one lunch meal + baguette
  • one dinner meal + baguette
  • one lunch meal + one dinner meal
In one day they can get up to 10 supported-price meals before exhausting monthly limit, that is, the number of days in a month times two meals.
In advance, they can order more meals for full price (max. 99).


Your IP address is Your last visit is from Today 4:57 pm. The last registered user is Deraton. Current temperature on Veľký Diel is 18.37 °C
humidity is 82.75 %
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17:00 - 19:00 [34]
18:00 - 20:00 [26]
19:00 - 21:00 [131]
191 votes

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